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Kavarniški večer: Raznolikost ljubezni

26. 1. 2017 @ 20:00 - 22:00

Kaj je spolna privlačnost in zakaj je tako pomemben del naše identitete? V sodelovanju s Kvartirjem na tokratnim kavarniškem večeru za vas pripravljamo interaktivno delavnico, ki je namenjena LGBT osebam, ki si želijo spoznati raznolikost naše skupnosti in razširiti svoje poglede na ljubezen, in vsem tistim, ki svojo identiteto raziskujete in se ne bojite postavljati težkih vprašanj. Spoznale_i bomo bomo različne pojme, s katerimi lahko opišemo svojo identiteto, veliko tudi takšnih, s katerimi opisujemo sivine med ljubeznijo in drugimi čustvi. Delavnica je namenjena sooblikovanju varnega prostora, v katerem lahko brez skrbi delimo svoja vprašanja in dileme. Dobrodošlo je, da delite svoje izkušnje, lahko pa le prisluhnete izkušnjam drugih, a brez predsodkov, kritik in vsiljivih nasvetov.


Kavarniški večer: Diversity of Love

What is sexual attraction and why is it such an important part of our identity? Together with Kvartir we are organising an interactive workshop intended for LGBT individuals, who wish to become more familiar with the diversity of our community and expand their perspective on love. The workshop is also intended for anyone who is exploring their identity and is not afraid of asking and discussing the hard questions concerning it. We will learn about different terms that we can use to describe our identity, a lot of which are used to describe the gray area between love and other emotions. The aim of the workshop is to create a safe space together, where we can share our questions and dilemmas with each other without any worries or constraints. It is welcomed that you share your own experiences, or you can simply listen to the experiences of others, however, we expect you to do that without any prejudice, criticism or intrusive advice.



26. 1. 2017
20:00 - 22:00
Dogodek Category:


DIC Legebitra
Trubarjeva cesta 76a
Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenija
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DIC Legebitra
01 430 51 44
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