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Z DIHom v kino: Preposto, Luka

15. 6. 2017 @ 18:00 - 19:00

Preprosto, Luka
dokumentarni, Slovenija, 2016, barvni, 21’

Scenarij, režija, montaža: Jan Vasilijević, Žan Žveplan
Fotografija, zvok: Jan Vasilijević
Produkcija: Društvo VLU

Film daje vpogled v življenje navidez običajnega, šaljivega, okretnega in včasih vulgarnega Luke. Njegov portret pod gladino razkriva življenje, posvečeno ustvarjanju varnega prostora znotraj LGBT skupnosti, in neopisljiv ter neponovljiv odnos z materjo. Tako subjekt dokumentarnega filma na neposreden in iskren način združuje nešteto pripadnikov skupnosti, ki stremi po enakopravnosti in mirnem sobivanju, hkrati pa se zdi, da znotraj svojega kroga družine in prijateljev za vedno ostaja … preprosto, Luka.

Po filmu sledi pogovor in neformalno druženje v preddverju Kinoteke.

PS: Vstopnine NI!


Simply Luka
documentary, Slovenia, 2016, color, 21′

Screenplay, direction, editing: Jan Vasilijević, Žan Žveplan
Photography, Sound: Jan Vasilijević
Production: Association VLU

The film gives insight into the life of seemingly ordinary, but humorous, lively and occasionally vulgar Luka. Under the surface Luka’s portrait reveals a life dedicated to creating a safe space within the LGBT community as well as his indescribable and inimitable relationship with his mother. In a direct and sincere manner the subject of the documentary combines numerous members of the community that strives for equality and peaceful coexistence. At the same time it seems that in his circles of family and friends he remains forever … simply Luka.

The film will be followed by a discussion and an informal gathering in the lobby Cinematheque.


Slovenska kinoteka
Miklošičeva cesta 28
Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenija
Spletna stran:


Društvo DIH – Enakopravni pod mavrico
041 562 375
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