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FPZ Z’borke – Nastop in pogovor

17. 6. 2018 @ 17:00 - 19:00

[English below]

FPZ Z’borke – Nastop in pogovor

FPZ Z’borke je samoorganiziran feminističen, nehierarhičen in antikapitalističen pevski zbor. S pesmimi, ki jih pojejo in predelujejo, skušajo skozi intersekcijsko perspektivo osvetliti boje proti seksizmu, mizoginiji, homofobiji, transfobiji ter katerikoli drugi obliki dominacije v družbi. Prav toliko kot v širjenje idej pa Z’borke verjamejo v moč petja pri povezovanju skupnosti in opolnomočenju vsake_ga članice_a ter celotne skupine.

Po nastopu bodo Z’borke skozi pogovor delile vpogled v proces svojega delovanja.


FPZ Z’borke – Performance and discussion

FPZ Z’borke is a self-organised feminist, non-hierarchical and anti-capitalist choir. Through the songs Z’borke sings, interprets and re-writes, the choir aims to bring to the forefront the fights against sexism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and any form of domination in society through an intersectional perspective. More than spreading ideas, Z’borke believes in the power of singing in bonding communities and empowering each member and the group as a whole.
After the concert, the audience is invited for a discussion with the members of Z’borke, who will share the process behind self-organising a feminist choir.


17. 6. 2018
17:00 - 19:00
Dogodek Category:


Klub Monokel
Masarykova cesta 24
Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenija
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