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Parada povezuje // Pride connects

4. 9. 2018 @ 19:00 - 22:00

[English below]

Na prvi večer naše nove serije dogodkov PARADA POVEZUJE bomo predvajali film MALA MALA. Film govori o življenju devetih transspolnih oseb, ki živijo v Puertu Ricu, in njihovem boju za enakost in osebno identiteto, pravice in svoboščine.

“Mala Mala provides a thought-provoking look at where gender identity and cultural identity intersect, while showing that life still revolves around the search for selfhood and the love between friends”, je napisano v Huffington Post-u. Po predvajanju filma sledi diskusija.

(Dogodek bo v angleščini)

Prizadevamo si za povezovanje lokalnih LGBTIQ+ mladih, aktivistk_ov in vseh, ki jih zanima politična plat parad ponosa in boji za človekove pravice LGBTIQ+ oseb v Sloveniji in po svetu. Zavedamo se, da je to, da se pojavimo kot LGBTIQ+ osebe na ulici, samo po sebi politično dejanje. In vemo, da to ni enostavno – zato želimo ustvarjati varen(varnejši) prostor za vse LGBTIQ+ osebe in prostor opolnomočenja.


As the first evening of our new series PRIDE CONNECTS, we will screen the movie MALA MALA. The film focuses on the lives of nine transgender people living in Puerto Rico, and their fight for equality and personal fulfilment. Mala Mala takes a personal look at the struggle for identity, personal rights and freedoms, emphasising the much needed solidarity between people.

“Mala Mala provides a thought-provoking look at where gender identity and cultural identity intersect, while showing that life still revolves around the search for selfhood and the love between friends” – Huffington Post. After the screening, there will be space for a discussion.

(Event will be held in English language)

With PRIDE CONNECTS, we strive to connect the local LGBTIQ+ youth, activists, and all those interested in the political side of Pride(s) and LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Struggles in Slovenia and across the world. We know, that being an openly LGBTIQ+ person and walking down any public space is a political act, and we know it is not easy – so we want to create a safe(r) space for all LGBTIQ+ people and a place of empowerment.


4. 9. 2018
19:00 - 22:00
Dogodek Category:


Ljubljana Pride
Dunajska cesta 10
Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenija
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