Mattias Brunn: Bez solz za pedre

No Tears for Queers

No Tears for Queers

(po dokumentarnem romanu No tears for queers Johana Hiltona)

Premiera: 23. november 2015 ob 20h v Štihovi dvorani Cankarjeva doma

Ponovitve: 1. in 3. decembra ob 20h v Štihovi dvorani Cankarjeva doma

7. april 2002, Katrineholm, Švedska. Johan Pettersson s Theom Svenssonom zapusti hotelski bar. Na ulici Theo šestkrat zabode Johana. In mu nato prereže vrat. Dvakrat.

22. julij 1997, Göteborg, Švedska. Sonce obsije zaspano mesto. Pri vodnem stolpu ob pobočju Ramberga Josef Ben Meddour podleže mučenju dveh mladih fantov – Nemesisa in Toma.

6. oktober 1998, Laramie, Albany. Matthew Shepard odide na pijačo v bar Fireside. Tam spozna Aarona McKinneyja in Russlla Hendersona. Dan zatem najdejo njegovo mrtvo telo. Privezano na ograjo v preriji. Njegova glava je zdrobljena.

2015, Slovenija …

Brez solz za pedre (No tears for queers, 2008) avtorja Mattiasa Brunna je predelava istoimenskega romana Johana Hiltona, zapisanega po resničnih dogodkih. Je dokumentaristični zapis treh umorov, zagrešenih na različnih krajih. V različnih časih. Treh umorov, ki so si podobni: zagrešili so jih mladi ljudje. Brutalno in krvavo. Zaradi …

Besedilo je bilo krstno uprizorjeno 2009 v Deželnem gledališču Väst (Regionteater Väst), 2010 je prejelo nagrado QX Gay Gala za najboljšo predstavo, 2012 pa nagrado d’Assitej. ŠKUC gledališče s slovensko praizvedbo Brez solz za pedre obeležuje petnajstletnico delovanja.

Prevajalec Darko Čuden
Režiser in scenograf Alen Jelen
Dramaturginja Saška Rakef
Avtor glasbe Brane Zorman
Lektor Tomaž Gubenšek
Oblikovalec svetlobe Janko Oven
Svetovalka za gib Nina Pertot Weis
Glasbeni vokal Kataya
Matic Lukšič, Vid Klemenc, Vito Weis, Žan Koprivnik


Mattias Brunn


Johan Hilton’s documentary novel

7 April 2002, Katrineholm, Sweden. Johan Pettersson and Theo Svensson leave the hotel bar together. In the street, Theo stabs Johan six times and then slits his throat. Twice.

22 July 1997, Gothenburg, Sweden. Sun shines on the sleepy town. Next to the water tower at the foot of the Ramberg Hill Josef Ben Meddour does not survive the injuries sustained while being tortured by two young men – Nemesis and Tom.

6 October 1998, Laramie, Albany. Matthew Shepard has a drink at the Fireside Bar, where he meets Aaron McKinney and Russell Hendersson. The day after they find his dead body. Tied to the fence in the prairie. His head has been crushed.

2015, Slovenia …

No Tears for Queers (2008) by Mattias Brunn is an adaptation of the eponymous novel by John Hilton based on real-life events. A documentary record of three murders committed by young people on different locations and different times. Brutal and bloody… When does difference of opinion turn into hate and when does a person burning with hate employ extreme measures? And the hater becomes an executioner?
The play received its premiere in 2009 at the Regionteater West, and won the 2010 QX Gay Gala Award for Best Performance as well as the 2012 Assitej Award. ŠKUC theater with the Slovenian premiere celebrates its fifteenth anniversary.

Translator Darko Čuden
Director and set disigner Alen Jelen
Language consultant Tomaž Gubenšek
Sound designer Brane Zorman
Light designer Janko Oven
Choreographer Nina Pertot Weis
Vocal Kataya
Matic Lukšič, Vid Klemenc, Vito Weis, Žan Koprivnik

Produkcija: ŠKUC gledališče in Cankarjev dom

Projekt so podprli: Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije, MOL – Oddelek za kulturo

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