Spet homofobični napad sredi Ljubljane


brit1Prejšnji teden se je v centru Ljubljane ponovno zgodil hud homofobični napad, o katerem nas je obvestila žrtev napada Oliver McNally. Skupina šestih ali sedmih moških je s kovinskimi palicami napadla britanskega državljana in njegova dva prijatelja. Napadalci so vedeli, da je britanski državljan gej, za njegova prijatelja, ki sta sicer heteroseksualca, pa so to najverjetneje domnevali.

Oliver se je skupaj s svojimi prijatelji najprej zadrževal v lokalu Skelet, kjer so se zapletli v pogovor s skupino deklet. Dekleta so nato odšla v klub Top, kamor so čez nekaj časa odšli tudi britanski državljani. Tam so se ponovno srečali in se družili s še dvema fantoma, domačinoma, ki so bili očitno del iste prijateljske skupine kot dekleta. Ko sta omenjena fanta izvedela, da je Oliver gej, sta, kot pravi žrtev napada, spremenil odnos do njega. Postala sta verbalno nasilna in začela tudi njegove prijatelje spraševati, če so homoseksualci.

Skupina Britancev je nato zapustila lokal. Trije med njimi so odšli na kebab, kamor je nato z avtomobilom prišla tudi skupina mladeničev – med njimi je bil tudi fant iz kluba Top – in z železnimi palicami napadla vse tri britanske državljane.

»Približali so se nam z železnimi palicami v rokah, takimi, kot jih uporablja policija. Približno desetkrat so me udarili, tudi po glavi, ramenih, rokah in po hrbtu. Spomnim se, kako me je bilo strah. Napad je kar trajal. Zdelo se je, da ga ne bo nikoli konec. Svojo glavo sem poskušal nekako zaščititi. Pristal sem na tleh, ves krvav. Ko sem vstal, sem videl enega od svojih prijateljev, kako sedi na stolu s popolnoma krvavo glavo. Nato se spomnim samo še rešilca, ki me je odpeljal v bolnišnico,« se dogodka spominja Oliver McNally.

CT glave je k sreči pokazal, da Oliver ni utrpel trajnih poškodb. Njegovo telo, tako kot tudi telo njegovega prijatelja, je v modricah. Prijatelj ima šive na glavi, on pa na ustnici. Vse to je očitno na slikah, ki nam jih je na našo prošnjo poslal.

Zgodbo smo preverili tudi na policiji, kjer so neuradno potrdili, da so zabeležili omenjeni incident in da ga preiskujejo. Oliver v svojem pismu, ki ga v celoti objavljamo spodaj, omenja, da je policija svoje delo opravila profesionalno, prav tako pa tudi bolnišnično osebje v Kliničnem centru.


Pismo Oliverja McNallyja:

Hello. My Name is Oliver McNally and I am a police officer in the UK. I am writing to you to inform you of an unpleasant incident that took place in the centre of Ljubljuana where I was victim of a homophobic attack along with 2 other friends who were straight.

On 7th June I visited Ljubljuana with a group of straight friends for a trip as our friend was getting married in July.

On 8th June I was at Skeleton bar and I spoke with a group of local slovenian girls who were very friendly to me and we enjoyed some drinks. They knew I was gay. They were planning on going to a club called TOP later on and one of my group had already arranged for us to go there too. The girls left and we remained at Skeleton bar for a while. We finally made our way to the Club TOP and had booked a VIP area as it was a special occasion. We enjoyed some drinks and I was a little drunk. The girls I had met at Skeleton bar arrived and they sat near us and our groups socialised together. The group of girls ended up speaking to 2 other slovenian males and I also spoke with them. Somehow and I dont recall how but one of the males became aware of me being gay. He did not like this.

His attitude changed towards me. It was late and it was time to leave the club but the male became offensive to me and he began asking other members of my group if they were gay (which they were not) we all began to try and leave the club using the elevator but this male

came towards us trying to get into the lift. But  he failed to do so. The left took us down to the street and we walked away but 2 of my friends were remaining a distance behind. I then turned and saw the homophobic male was in a small quarrel with my 2 friends. This

turned into a small fight but nothing serious. I think they were trying to defend me a little.  We all separated the incident and walked away  I then left the group with my 2 good friends as we wanted to get some food. We went to FRKS which is a small kebab shop. I stood at the

counter and I recall only a vehicle stopped behind us and a group of males getting out. I recall seeing the homophobic male. All 3 of us were then attacked by a group of i am told 6-7 males. They approached us with metal Police style batons. I was struck up to 10 times over my body including my head, shoulders, arms and back. I recall the fear very well. The attack was prolonged. It felt never ending. I just covered my head. I ended up on the floor waking up covered in blood. I got up and found 1 of my best friends sat in a chair covered in blood

all over his head. I only then recall being in an ambulance being taken to hospital where i was treated. My friend was taken to another hospital. I was treated for my injuries and had a CT scan due to the head injury. Thankfully there is no lasting damage.

I have severe bruising on my back, shoulders, arms, face and have some stitches in the side of my mouth. One of my friends has stitches to his head, severe bruising to his head

and shoulders. My other friend had severe bruising to his back and stitches in his leg.

I was visited very quickly in hospital by a number of different police officers and finally some detectives. All the hospital staff and police have been very supportive to me and my friends. We have managed to provide lots of information to identify the main instigator of the offence.

Its sad that I feel it necessary to report this to you. Its such a welcoming and friendly city and i hope this is not a regular type of incident however i feel as a police officer that this type of incident reminds people (Especially tourists) that maybe certain cities in certain countries still have different attitudes and not quite what we may be used to.

Its a credit to Ljubljana the support and professionalism shown by both the hospital staff and particularly the police. I was visited by many officers but remain in debt to the 2 detectives

who showed me great support and care. I remain in contact with them and they will be keeping me up to date on developments with the investigation and any arrests.


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